Friday, November 16, 2012

A Night at Casa Loma

As I mentioned in my last post, I was in Toronto this week because I won an award at work. I didn’t really understand how big a deal the award was until I was told that my company had rented Casa Loma for the evening, the whole place, for the less than 90 people in attendance.

It was awesome. Casa Loma has been one of my favourite places since I was tiny. When I was little my favourite movie was (who am I kidding? totally still my favourite movie) this awful Canadian comedy Strange Brew and Elsinore Castle in the movie is actually the tower at Casa Loma. I’ve been a number of times before (once getting strongly reprimanded for climbing in the tub) but I’ve never been there practically alone.

After a very brief guided tour I snuck off from the other attendees to explore. First stop was the tower. Climbing through the attic when it’s brightly lit and full of tourists is kind of a creepy experience, never mind doing it when you’re completely alone and only the emergency lights are on.

Also, vaulting over the attic beams in a cocktail dress proved to be more challenging than I had anticipated.

I had to take my high heels off to maneuver the narrow staircases but once I got to the very top the view made it completely worth the dusty feet.

You could even see the CN Tower…whose glass floor was my arch-nemesis the next day.

The evening was wonderful, a 1920s themed event where somehow I was seated next to the President of the company (who was very nice and didn’t ask why I was slipping my shoes back on when entering the dining room).

Even though the awards were awesome and the meal was delicious, it was getting to explore Casa Loma without another human around that made this visit unforgettable. Sigh, sometimes I feel like a very lucky young lady.


  1. Did you meet a tragic stranger who later turned out to be a ghost?

  2. Possibly...I did freak out at how high the tower was, should have prepared me for my freak out the next day.
