Sunday, November 18, 2012

#24) Go to the Ballet

This activity on my list infuriated my mother. She pointed out numerous times that I HAD been to the ballet, on more than one occasion, as a child. Real ballet, like Royal Winnipeg Ballet productions, not just amateur local shows. I decided that those didn’t count because I hadn’t been as an adult so last weekend I fixed that.

As a gift for Mommy’s upcoming birthday, my sister and I purchased tickets for Mommy and I to go see the National Ballet of Canada’s Alice's Adventures in Wonderland in Toronto.

I would have loved to have Sara there too but unfortunately she lives out in Saskatoon and is busy being a Doctor so it would have been difficult. Instead we went with my friend Becca and her Mom. The ballet was lovely. The sets were amazing and the Cheshire cat had to be one of the most remarkable things I’ve ever seen on a stage.

I was a little bit disappointed in Alice’s purple dress (we all know is should be blue!) but it was still a gorgeous production. It feels extremely glamorous to go see a ballet in the evening in a big city like Toronto. Just 26 items left and my list is done!

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