Good Reads

Here’s a list of some of my favourite online reading.

Posie Gets Cozy by Alicia

Why it’s neat: lots of really pretty green/misty/candlelit pictures, and an adorable little Amelia. Arbitrary annotation:  Alicia has a home that if someone would just haul from Portland to Ontario, I would joyfully live-in for the rest of my life.

The Road is Home by Nirrimi

Why it’s neat: I guess it should be no surprise from a professional photographer but this woman takes photos that are straight-up works of art. Arbitrary annotation:  I know that if I ever met her in real life, she'd be far too cool to hang out with me.

Skunkboy Blog by Katie

Why it’s neat: Katie makes some of the most whimsical vintage-style plushies on the market and has a charming family to boot. Arbitrary annotation:  Katie features outfits that I like to pretend I will someday have/wear/be able to put together.

Little Dog Blog by Claire

Why it’s neat: isolated Vermont farm living, vintage etsy selling, and two adorable pups for flavour. Arbitrary annotation: I want to pretend to get lost someday in her neighbourhood and invite myself in for a homegrown salad.

The Black Apple by Emily

Why it’s neat: The illustrations that Emily creates remind me of Little Golden Books and being a child (in a good way). Arbitrary annotation:  Emily never responded to an etsy message I sent years ago, I remain irrationally bitter.

Barnacle Bags by Lissa

Why it’s neat: As if it weren’t enough that she lives on an island on a large piece of land, Lissa also creates some of the most beautiful canvas bags around. Arbitrary annotation:  Lissa looks quite a bit like my big sister Sara.

Disclaimer: this list is constantly changing. Usually changes happen because I think I really like a blog and then I find out that the writer is actually against gay marriage or thinks if I drink pasteurised milk I’m the devil, etc.