Thursday, November 15, 2012

#14) Walked on the glass floor at the CN Tower

Yesterday I found myself in Toronto due to winning an award at work. I was given a free day after the awards dinner (which I’ll be blogging about later, because it was in a castle, and I climbed the castle tower, at night, alone) so I decided to explore the city a little bit. Since my best-friend Becca lives in Toronto, I gave her a call and we set out to cross-off number 14 on my list, to WALK ON THE GLASS FLOOR AT THE CN TOWER!

I started off feeling pretty darn confident. As depicted in the below image, I could almost reach where I would be standing on the glass floor. No problemo! Unfortunately I then had to go up in the elevator. To start off, I think I should state I’m not scared of heights; however, I am scared of dying and I believed a number of times that this might occur during our trip up in the shaking glass floored elevator. It was the most terrifying thing I’ve ever done and I refused to look the whole way up despite being called a chicken by two smarmy Australian fellows – who were in sweatpants on a Wednesday at 10am might I add.

Once we got to the top I was surprisingly fine, though my legs were still jelly-ish. The views across the city and lake were magnificent and I’m pretty sure I could see the curvature of the earth (though Becca says I couldn’t).

I was starting to think walking on the glass floor would be simple but then we got there. You’d think that seeing children crawling across the glass floor, or adults stomping on it, would make me realize it was perfectly safe. Nope. As a rational human, walking on something which looks down on the below image goes against every instinct evolution has ensured I possess in order to survive.

I honestly thought there was no way I could do it. Luckily, a very nice German tourist saw that I was shaking like a leaf and said she’d hold my hand if I came out so Becca could take my picture. I lasted just long enough for the picture to be snapped before I leapt back to the safety of the opaque carpeted floor (hence the blurriness).

Once it was done I felt like superman! Becca was awesome the whole time. She hates heights and still came with me to photo-document the entire journey. Oh yeah, at the end I high-fived a bear in the gift shop, even he was impressed with my bravery!