Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Oktoberfest 2012

Oh my, what a weekend! On top of the multiple Thanksgivings I’ve attended the past few days, it was also the opening weekend for Oktoberfest. Oktobertfest in Kitchener/Waterloo Ontario is a big deal; it has become the largest Bavarian festival in North America and is attended by the entire region it seems.  My lovely boyfriend managed to get us opening night tickets at Concordia Club this year and we took full advantage to dress-up in silly dirndls and mock lederhosen and fest the night away with our friends Rebecca, Josh, and Nathan! 

There was an obscene amount of beer, wonderful music, and a surprising number of poorly chosen carnival games (when considered in conjunction with the previously mentioned beer). One of these carnival games was a crossbow range. I was TERRIBLE! Despite advice from a number of well-meaning bystanders, I managed to miss the target every single time…though I pointed out to them that I didn’t have my glasses on so I was fairly blind...plus that beer from before. 

I’ve been so busy lately that I haven’t crafted very much but I’m hoping to start-up again this evening since I have a new order for three bunnies! Crafting will also give me some much needed time to recover from this weekend's festivities...did I mention the beer?

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