Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Wellesley Apple Butter and Cheese Festival

It’s October finally! A month for apple cider and pumpkin goo, wild windy nights and foggy mornings. The Thimble Thief household has been a busy one lately with visits from friends and lots of birthdays, not to mention some hasty trip planning for an impromptu upcoming warm getaway!

My sweetie and I finally had a free Saturday last weekend and made a trip to the Wellesley Apple Butter and Cheese Festival. It was splendid. There were pony rides, craft vendors, live music, and lots and lots of yummy food. 

The short drive to Wellesley was beautiful with the countryside just glowing in reds and oranges and yellows. I immediately fell in love with every small town we went through and subsequently demanded we purchase a home/abandoned barn in each. Wellesley itself did not disappoint in the charm department. There’s nothing quite as lovely as a gingerbread trimmed Ontario cottage shaded by a maple tree in the autumn. 

Matt was so inspired by the whole event that Sunday he insisted we go out and get all the starting tools we needed to make our own preserves. It’s pretty wonderful to be the taste-tester for three different jams and jellies on a lazy Sunday afternoon. 

This past weekend was exactly the kind of weekend I like to have in the Fall but rarely seem to actually have. I hope all of you are getting the chance to go out and enjoy autumn!

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