Monday, July 9, 2012

Marble Magnets

Phew, what a crazy few weeks! Moving, un-packing, numerous trips to Ikea, building of things purchased at Ikea, arranging things, hanging curtains…it’s exhausting! July has been a VERY busy month so far. I haven’t had much of a chance to craft lately but I was able to finish one little quick project for a friend.

My favourite lady Becca saw some homemade magnets on my fridge last time she visited and wondered whether I could create a few for her to use at work. These marble magnets are adorable and really easy to make (a good tutorial can be found here). I’m hoping now that things have calmed down a little bit and the un-packing is pretty much done that I can get back to making things! I hope everyone is having a nice relaxing Monday!

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