Saturday, June 30, 2012

Sparta’s Winter Wheat

So in addition to moving this weekend, I was lucky enough to tag along on a daytrip to one of my favourite places. I’ve posted about Winter Wheat at lease once before but I really don’t think I can ever convey how wonderful a place it is in words (so you should probably just go there, promptly).

On Saturday afternoon three generations of women in my family piled into my auntie’s car and took a day trip to Sparta to celebrate my great-aunt’s birthday. We had lunch in a sweet little teashop, the Sparta House, and then made our way out to Winter Wheat.

Whenever people talk about their “happy place” I picture being here. Snuggling up on the cozy benches, exploring the woods, admiring the wonderfully peculiar folk art, it’s just too charming for words! There aren’t many places that a 27 year old and an 80 year old can both gleefully spend an afternoon but Winter Wheat is one of them.

I might not ever own a farm full of miniature animals, or have a shack with bunk-beds in my backyard, but as long as places like Winter Wheat exist I think I’ll be a pretty happy young lady.

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