Tuesday, July 17, 2012

An Empty Country Home

In my opinion, there’s really nothing better than spending an afternoon exploring an abandoned mansion in the country. Luckily, I recently found such a property to investigate back home on the outskirts of London.

Someone had broken most of the windows and all the wiring had been ripped out of the ceiling but it was still a pretty fascinating house.

I bet it was quite something before it was abandoned; it had a pool with a changing room and lion fountain, a fireplace on the screened-in porch, and almost all the bedrooms upstairs had their own private bathrooms.

I always wonder when I find a place like this what made the family leave. Upstairs in one of the bedrooms there were still drawers full of school assignments from a teenage girl and the garage still had children's toys inside it. Why would someone leave so hastily? Especially from such a lovely place. I wonder if it broke their hearts.

I strongly recommend if anyone is thinking of heading here themselves that they wear rubber boots, there was a lot of broken glass and poison ivy underfoot. Oh, and don’t go in the basement, it was cold…and I can only assume, haunted. I hope all my readers are having an investigative Tuesday of their very own!

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