Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Handmade November Miniatures

It’s way WAY too hot in Ontario right now! Maybe due to the heat, or the fact that my household is getting over a nasty bout of stomach flu, but for whatever reason I haven’t been my normal crafty self lately. Luckily, lots of other people have been creating wonderful things that keep me inspired! One such individual is Vera over at Handmade November.

I greatly admire the miniature felted creatures Vera crafts. She works out of her home studio in Russia and makes her felted miniatures using lambs wool but will also work with acrylic fibers so that her vegan fans can enjoy her wonderful creations as well. It’s always nice when you’re not feeling very motivated yourself to dig into the crafter community and remember what an imaginative place the world can be!


  1. That's because miniature Totoro is the best.

  2. Although the miniature owl is also the best.

  3. Can we have these on our miniature farm someday?

  4. Thank you so much for the feature! :)
