Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Theater Clouds

July was not my most prolific month for blog posts, it was less than once a week (eep!). I actually really like blogging; I like sharing the things I’m working on, the neat stuff other people make, and just things happening in the thimble thief world. I blame my lack of posts for July on adjusting to my new (wonderful might I add) living situation. It’s tough to craft to the same extent I used to when I’m getting used to living with my sweetheart and exploring our new neighborhood together. We’re finally starting to settle into a pattern though and my craft room is almost all done so I’m quite optimistic that August will be a more crafty/blog-riffic month!

Speaking of my craft room, I’ve started to decorate by hanging some of my favourite pieces of art. Two of those are by the very talented Elly MacKay, a fellow Canadian and the mind behind Theater Clouds. In Elly’s words: “I make these images by inking yupo paper and cutting it into layers that I set up in a miniature theater. I play with the lights and filters to create atmosphere and then photograph the scenes.” I now have the two pieces in this post, A Length of the Bay and A Place of One’s Own, hanging on the wall of my crafty room and they made me marvelously happy!

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