Monday, January 16, 2012

Panda Domo

Becca loved her Wally ornament and she got me one of the best presents I have ever received…a PANDA DOMO! Now not only is this plush pretty darn adorable but it also fits me perfectly. The first gift I ever gave my boyfriend (long before he was my boyfriend) was a plush Domo that I made. In addition to this, due to some less than totally appropriate winking behaviour at work, I was given the nickname “Sexual Harassment Panda.” And then Becca found this! A Sexual Harassment Domo! 

I was also very happy to see Becca this weekend after not having seen her at all over the holidays. We watched horror movies, ate an obscene amount of Chinese food, and stayed up way too late chatting with another girlfriend. It’s truly lovely when you have a friend who understands you and your tastes so completely.

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