Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Super Mario Cross-Stitch

Now that I’m completely recovered from the holidays, I can share some more of the presents I created for my friends and family this year. Without a doubt the piece that took the most time was a Mario cross-stitch I made for my boyfriend. He’s a big gaming fan so when I was trying to think of a present that would be handmade but that he would still really like I was thrilled to find this project. 

I used the pattern developed over at Sprite Stitch for my base and then just made changes for what I thought he might like. I’m really thrilled with how it turned out but I think next time I come across a cross-stitch pattern 2 weeks before Christmas I might just put it off till next year. Following this new plan should stop me from receiving the text from my boyfriend: “Hope you have fun in your top secret craft bunker tonight!”


  1. Gracie,

    This is by far the greatest handmade gift I've ever received. I can tell you put a lot of time and love into it. I'm most excited to hang it on my wall!


  2. Aww, thanks sweetheart! It was really fun to make!
