Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Royal Mint Fox

Ok, I know I’ve been posting a lot on other people’s wonderful work and ignoring my own projects but I’m waiting to work out some camera woes which will hopefully be resolved in the next couple of days! Until then I’d like you to meet this adorable frosty mint fox made by Royal Mint.
I love these little forest creatures! They’re made by a full-time artist who lives and works in Montreal Quebec. All of these little guys are hand-stitched and are constructed from wool felt. I think one of my favourite things about them are the descriptions that go along with each. For example, the black woods bear “lives in the black woods and has decided enough is enough. Finally tired of all that dark, he has ventured out in the hopes of finding a space with some color. Black bear is a hulky fellow and has offered his protection services in exchange for a table top or shelf space to occupy. As long as your house is not painted black from top to bottom, he'll take it!” So cute!!

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