Friday, September 7, 2012

#8 - Part Two

NOOooOoo! After two short days of adhering to #8 I’ve already missed a day! Here’s what happened: Yesterday at work I was thinking “hey, I need to go take a picture for today” and then I remembered that friends were coming over to our place for dinner and that I should wait to take a picture then.  After a couple of bottles of wine, a delicious boyfriend prepared dinner, and some exciting episodes of SHARK WRANGLERS (which by the way is my new favorite show, I think I’m in love with Brett) I had forgotten all about the picture and didn’t remember until about 4am this morning. Oh well…back to the beginning. Picture #1:

Oh, also, I made this pig and I think it’s haunted. Happy Friday everyone!


  1. why is the pig haunted? and I love your picture idea.

  2. The pig is haunted for a number of reasons:
    #1) I think it moved when I wasn't looking.
    #2) It's eyes and snout are suspicious.
    #3) I just watched the original 1979 Amityville Horror again and there's a haunted pig in it.
    I'm seriously considering calling in (and/or shipping the pig to) the Ghost Hunters fellows.

    1. That is clearly only reasonable, as well as opening the door for your own fascinating tv show where you create haunted felt animals.
