Wednesday, September 12, 2012

#10 - Début

Guess what I start tonight? French Schoooooooool! Every Wednesday night for the foreseeable future I will be tucked in a classroom for 3 hours becoming more brilliant (ok, maybe not more brilliant, but at least more fluent in French). I’m very lucky that I work at a nice place that’s willing to pay for all the school I want because it turns out French is an expensive language to acquire. Hopefully by the time I hit 30...shudder...I will have fulfilled number 10 on my list. With the below pencil case how can I not be the coolest kid in College? Or dorkiest, whatever, YAY SCHOOL!


  1. Awesomeness! I want to take French class now too.

  2. Oui oui! It was a good class, not as many anthropomorphic pineapples as I would have liked but still good.
