Wednesday, January 11, 2012

LovelyFriend Mobiles

I had a very nice holiday season but I can honestly say it feels really nice to get back to regular life. I made a bunch of projects for friends and family as gifts over Christmas and will hopefully be sharing them on here soon! The reason I haven’t put them up yet is because I’m having a bit of trouble taking nice pictures. I like using natural light but when I go to work in the morning it’s dark and by the time I get home each evening it’s dark. I think this weekend I’ll need to go on a picture taking spree!! Until then, I wanted to feature the gorgeous mobiles created by LovelyFriend.

It seems a lot of my friends are having babies right now and I can’t think of a nicer gift than a personalized mobile. LovelyFriend lets you pick the theme of the mobile you want and then you get to decide on a colour scheme to match your nursery. Additionally, both sides of the hanging plushies are identical, which makes the mobile perfect no matter what side you see! I wonder if it’s ok for grown-ups to have mobiles too?

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