Monday, September 26, 2011


I was very excited to see the season premiere of The Office last week and though the overall episode wasn’t one of my favourites, there was a part at the start that I really liked. Everyone was going around doing something called “planking” which basically means laying flat like a plank of wood in odd locations. I immediately Googled it and it turns out there are all kinds of other similar trends including Owling, where you squat like an Owl, and Batmanning, where you hang upside-down by your feet. Within a couple days of learning about Batmanning, I came across this little guy from Nonesuch Garden.

Though I think Batmanning is probably outside of my everyday abilities I do like the idea of making creatures that do just that. Megan Baehr from Nonesuch Garden makes all her animals from 100% wool felt and works “to create adorable objects that will bring smiles to even the hardest of hearts and rekindle the imagination and wonder within us all. My work is not for children, but for our INNER children who have been lost and neglected for far too long.” I think Batmanning works under a similar mandate. Happy Monday my batty friends!

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