Friday, July 1, 2011

New Orleans

I'm back from my week away in The Big Easy and it was just amazing! We went on a ghost tour, took a carriage ride through the French Quarter, rode the streetcar through the Garden District, and even got a chance to visit some of the old plantations outside the city.

I took about 200 photographs (one of the great things about digital cameras!) but I just wanted to share a couple on here before I get back to crafting. The above photo is the famous entrance to Oak Alley plantation (part of Interview with a Vampire was filmed here) and the below picture is one of the beautiful old buildings in the French Quarter, I fell deeply in love with wrought iron during my trip.

The last photo is one of the old slave cabins at the Laura Plantation (a very neat place that was run by creole women). I just love the contrast between the falling apart building and the bright cheerful sunflowers! I’ll have lots more to share from my trip, including a very unique doll shop, but for now I think I need to unpack!


  1. Loving the blog! I'll add it to my Google Reader. :) Your post on Totoro was lovely, because that's one of my favourite animated movies. In fact, I am planning on making a sweater just like this one:

    Hopefully you can see it if you're not signed up to Ravelry. (Which, by the way, you should sign up for.)

    Yay crafting!

  2. Aww thanks Gemini! You always make the most amazing things. Are you still in Ottawa? Is the wedding planning going well?

    Yay crafting indeed!!
