Monday, June 6, 2011

Butterfly Brooches

For the past couple of days I’ve been working on some butterfly brooches. It was tempting to just make very cute cartoonish butterflies but I decided I’d rather try my hand at some more realistic ones. 

I did three different butterfly types: a monarch, a clouded sulphur, and a blue mountain swallowtail. My favourite by far is the monarch, I think it looks very real. I think next time I’ll do both wings, it’s just so pretty! 

These brooches are going to look lovely on some of my summer blouses and I think they’d actually look pretty cute on a hat too. On an un-related note, I’ve been told by a couple of readers that the comment section seems to be acting-up on my posts lately, I think I’ve fixed it but if you’re still having trouble please email me.

1 comment:

  1. How about, instead of the bunting, the butterflies? Though you know as soon as I agree to that plan I'll change my mind.
