Sunday, May 29, 2011

A Mad Hatter Tea Party

I spent yesterday afternoon at a mad hatter tea party at Woodholme manor (also called Wonderland) here in London. I’m not really sure why someone would want to attend such an event not in costume so I went as Alice! 

Tickets for the tea party were sold to raise money for restoring the Red Antiquities Building, a cause which I am more than happy to support! It’s wonderful in a city like London, with a less than stellar record for preserving heritage properties, to spend a day with so many kindred-spirits. 

It was a lovely afternoon full of exploring a crumbling mansion and eating delicious tiny sandwiches. Wouldn’t it be nice if every afternoon could be so magical? I hope all of you had an equally delightful weekend!


  1. I wish I was in London :(

  2. I wish you were too! We could have gone as tweedledum and tweedledee!
