Friday, May 20, 2011

Felt Veg

I’ve decided this spring to plant a small vegetable garden. I tried to do this a couple of years ago but I lost enthusiasm for the undertaking and forgot both where and what I had planted. Undeterred by this previous failure, I have decided that this will be my year to develop a green thumb! While searching for inspiration I came across these adorable felt fruits and veggies made by Serena and Julie over at Tempo Designs.

Each veggie is hand sewn in rural Lincolnshire and I think they all look good enough to eat! Maybe if my real veggies don’t work out I can just get some of these and feel better.

I love the carrots and peas but I think my personal favourite are the strawberries! They look plump and delicious and nothing says summer like strawberries. Alright, time to get my hands dirty and grow some food!

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