Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Cupcake Brooches

I finally got up the nerve to take that first cut into my brand-new felt and managed to make some pretty cute cupcake brooches! Two days ago it was my Dad’s 59th birthday and I made him some real cupcakes so I guess I just had sweet treats on my mind.

I made three different colour combinations and finished off the edge of each with a blanket-stitch. I think these will look very cute on some of my summer dresses! That’s if my sock-monkey lets me have them back of course. 

I was thinking of wearing each of them alone but all three do look very nice together. My favourite touch by far is the cherry on the top! Most real cupcakes I eat don’t have a cherry but I think they would be much better if they did. Happy Tuesday everybody!

1 comment:

  1. These are sooo cute Grace! We meant to comment on your cupcakes when you posted an image of them on Facebook. As you probably already know, we are HUGE fans of sugar. :):)
