Thursday, July 18, 2013

Auntie Thief

Very exciting news in the Thimble Thief world – I’m going to be an AUNTIE!! My sister and sister-in-law are expecting a little one in January and the whole family couldn’t be more excited. I’ve known for a couple of months now but I wasn’t allowed to say anything and it was extremely difficult (I’m terrible at keeping secrets, especially really awesome ones).

Since Matt and I will be the only Aunt and Uncle this little one will have, we’re planning to spoil it (no word on boy or girl yet) rotten! The planned out baby quilt below may or may not be related to this wonderful news.


  1. That's so pretty! What adorable fabric.

  2. Thank you! It's so tough when you don't know if it's a boy or a girl yet!
