Monday, September 5, 2011

Ottawa Weekend

I’m back home safe and sound and had a lovely trip to Ottawa! We did all kinds of my favourite things including a trip to an old cemetery, visiting with family and friends and eating chicken McNuggets WAY too late at night. 

My friend’s new apartment is in a predominantly French part of Ottawa which I thought was really charming (it’s lucky he’s francophone since my French is embarrassing, hehehe). There’s a sweet little park in his neighbourhood that had adorable vintage play equipment which I couldn’t resist taking pictures of!! 

When we were in Quebec for an afternoon we even saw a fast-food restaurant whose delivery cars were just like Higgins but with little chickens on the roof! I now desperately want a yellow chicken for Higgins. I’m working on some new autumn projects which I plan to finish in the next couple of days so pictures will be up soon. I hope you all had an awesome long weekend!

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